Monday, December 8, 2014

Art, Literature and heritage of Bangladesh

The origin of art and literature is thousands years old. The first or earliest piece of literature is thought to be one thousand years old. The very first specimen of literature was written by the Muslim rulers during the Medieval period.  Having a muslim majority Bangladesh is still a mixture of different religions. Different establishments of Hindus, Buddhist and Christians are seen everywhere. With the importance Eid is celebrated, the same importance goes to Durga Puja. These adds to the variation of the culture. Also as Bangladesh had a lot of rulers, each of those time left their own marks. Bangladeshi people like a lot of color, starting from their dresses to art to celebrations there is color everywhere.

Architecture, literature, music, dance, drama, art and literature these are an inevitable part of Bangla heritage. There are many names that come in the contribution to literature. In middle ages writers and poets like Alaol, Chandi Das, Daulat Kazi had the biggest influence. During the 19th century modern literature was introduced by Rabindranath Tagore. Rabindranath Tagore, the Noble Laureate, not only enhanced Bangla literature but also made his work world known. He ruled over Bangla art, literature and songs over 60 years. When we talk about Bangla literature the name which is unforgettable is Kazi Nazrul Islam. He was the rebellion poet of Bangla and have written over 3000 songs. All his songs and poems encouraged the youth to fight for their freedom.

Zainul Abedin is the most prominent name in the art world of Bangla. During the 1940s his series of work took art to a different level. The best part is Bangle’s art does not confine itself in the famous paintings. The art is everywhere in everyday life in various forms. The hundreds and thousands of housewives are making crafts, dolls, fans, traditional cloths, domestic textiles. Handmade crafts and art are a special attraction of Bangladesh.

The music of Bangla can be divided in three categories- Folk, Classic and Modern. The classic music is very similar to the Indian subcontinent one. The major names in the classic music of Bangla are Ustad Alauddin Khan and Ustad Ayet Ali Khan. The folk music is a bit different. Bauls with their groups usually roam from village to village. The folk music and drama are usually staged in Jatra. Jatra mainly folk  performance where a series of drama are staged with folk songs and dance.
There are some types of transportation that are different than the typical one and  related to the culture and heritage of Bangla. One of those is Palki, a very famous one. Palki is basically a wooden box carried by solders of four men. Palki is a special vehicle that is only used for brides while they are taken to their bridegroom’s house.

Rabindranath Tagore
Kazi Nazrul Islam

A Zainul Abedin Painting
New Year (Nababarsha) Celebration
Classical Dance Position
Classical Music Instruments

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