Monday, December 1, 2014

Bede, River Gypsies of Bangladesh

Till the last entry most of my posts were about the problems and bad sides of Bangladesh. From this post to the next few ones I would like to highlight some beautiful sides of the country; because fully knowing a country is impossible without knowing it's culture, tradition and main attractions.

In Bangladesh the river gypsies are known as Bede. They simply add to the already existing diversified culture of Bangladesh. In the country there are about 40 groups of indigenous people and it is assumed that Bangladesh has the most diversified culture in Asia. Among all other groups these Bedes have their own lifestyle and history. Their origin can be indicated across the Asia, Himalayan area. Also their family ties, relationships and dress sense can be like the Scottish Clans.

They usually live nearby rivers where they do not have any permanent houses. For ten months of the year they sail from one place to another. They usually cover over 90 villages, and the two months they take to rest. During these two months they stick nearby to the river and built semi titular shaped tents covered with oilcloths or plastics. Either life on the boat or life in these tents, both show their lifestyle that goes bellow the poverty line, deprived of basic rights. 100% of the Bedes have early marriage. Children age of eleven or twelve are married off. 98% of them live bellow poverty line. In these groups people usually women are the bread earners. They earn 300 taka ($3.75) a day. If the women do not work than the men and children have to starve. Their work mainly includes snake charming, preparing traditional medicines, showing magic in public places, selling hand made crafts and they also have trained monkeys and snakes to perform. For about 100 years they practice traditional healing. If someone is suffering from jaundice Bedes give them rice made with yellow feathered birds. According to them fish bone can be used to remove back pain, seashells can be used to negate evil eye and Maryam flowers can be used for pregnancy problems. 95% of the bedes do not have any education. Some children of them now a days go to school, but these schools are also boat schools. These floating schools are organized by some local NGOs.

Though their population is increasing, but as the country is developing they are seen much less. But their life style and traditional belief have not been changed. Where in normal households have 4.2 people in average, Bedes have 7.5 people. Bedes have their own tribal language, they are a mixed of many religions. River is their life. They bath in the river, wash things in the river and drink the same water. At the same time they also face the daily challenges of survival. There are many holes in their boats and they almost sink every day, and they fix it every day. Despite of all the challenges Bedes live a very colorful life.

Life of Bede in Bangladesh

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