Sunday, November 30, 2014

Puran Dhaka, Old Town

There is a small part of Dhaka city known as Puran Dhaka (Old Town). Whenever there are tourists or someone wants to explore Dhaka, Puran Dhaka is always on the top of the list. It is such a mesmerizing part of the city and it’s history.

Even before there was any sign of the capital city Dhaka, there was the foundation of this Old Town. It was founded in 1608 known as Jahangir Nagar, the capital of Mughal Bengal. The story actually started in 7th century when this area was controlled by Buddhist Kingdom of Kamarupa. This place was ruled by Buddhist for more than 800 years. But soon in 9th century the Hindu Sena took over the power. While the Hindus were ruling the famous temple, Dhakeshvari, was built. Many assume that the city, Dhaka, was named after this goddess by Bellal Sena. Soon there came the Mughals and they took over. Through all this time old town was the most large and prosperous city of the Indian continent. Also soon it became the center of the Muslim trade. As the British came this place started to become more inactive. That time it was known as “City of Magnificent Ruins”.

Since it’s (old town) foundation as many rulers came and gone they all left their own touch and establishments. Centuries old establishments, Temples (Puja house), courts, Palaces, architecture are still there. Especially the  narrow roads made during the British period just simply add to the beauty. As time passed by rest of the city got developed and recreated except for this area. The ancient settlement of the old town is now different from the rest of the city. Along with the architecture it also differs in culture a bit too. The people living in Old Town know as “Dhakaia” are still holding onto the history and tradition of the place. Maximum of people are hindu, and most of the people still live in those ancient settlements. From the name “Old Town” it can also be understood that the people live there belong to low and low-middle class people. It is the streets of Old Town that can take a person back in time.
Old town has eight districts- Lalbagh, Haziribagh, Chowkbazar, Bangshal, Gendaria, Kotwali, Wari and Sutrapur. These eight different districts have different attractions where history still reflects itself. One of the very famous one is Chowkbazar. It is in lalbagh and was established by the Mughals. Men and women work in the bazars, make various crafts for living. There is another thing for which Old Town is really popular, it’s food. Old Town of Dhaka city has never failed to attract the attention of both locals and tourists, And it still is going on by spreading it’s magic. 

Professional people making the Goddesses for Temples 

Life in Old Town

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