Friday, November 21, 2014

Stories behind THE STORY, The War

On 7th March 1971 in his speech, Sheikh Mujib, urged people to fight for their freedom, he urged people to make their home the fort of fight. And he demanded the transfer of power before the assembly on 25th march.

On the night of 25th March Bengal people were attacked in their sleep. It happened after the general of Pakistan Tikka Khan was denied entry in East Pakistan. This attack killed and injured many people. on 26th march army arrested Sheikh Mujib and took him to Wast Pakistan. Though they were taking him, but according to his plan that day an swami league leader declared Bengal’s independence over radio. The war took it’s vicious turn.

about 1 million Bangalies were murdered, graves still can be found

Millions of Bangalies ran to India for shelter
Around 200,000 women were raped

India's full support for Bangladesh

Mitro Bahini, freedom fighters of Bengal formed. India joined the fight and helped Bengal with India’s soldiers and advanced equipments. With Indira Gandhi’s order the navy, air force and soldiers were united. Bengal and India together fought and defeated West Pakistan.

Pakistan surrenders to Bangladesh, 16th December 1971

On the day of 16th December, 1971 at 16:31 West Pakistan surrendered. The ‘Instrument of Surrender’ was signed by defeated Pakistani general Niazi.
Starting from 1952 the freedom fighter never stopped. It continued until 1971 when finally we achieved our freedom and was recognized as an independent country on the world map. They now celebrate 16th December as the Victory day and 26th March as the independence day. The free Bangladesh will always be grateful But the story remains unfinished without highlighting the pain and sacrifice of those men, women and children because of whom we now have a  place and name in the world.

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