Friday, November 21, 2014

British era

It is needless to go over the fact how British ruled mostly all over the world because we all know it. Among all the countries Britain ruled, India and south Asian continent is a significant one in history. During that time Bangladesh did not even had it’s own identity but British period was the time when the seed of freedom was being planted.

Not every king can lead his country to the prosperity. There is always one who turns the table either for good or for bad. It all started when emperor Aorongazeb sold three villages to the East Indian Company. The interest of Britain to just do trade and business was soon turning into a vicious greed. And that incident gave birth to a never ending British period.

 The British has ruled over us for about 250 years (1700-1947). In history we only read about the pain and sufferings they have caused us. But from a personal view I will say along with the bad they have also given us some extraordinary things that we still preserve and among these one to mention is education. The fine infrastructures, government, law system and also they left a touch of English Sophistication that still somewhat lives in us especially in India (Kalkata). Indians were the first to enter their education system wheres the Muslims decided to stay as farmers and traders. It was by the time when Mughal rule was already faded away and almost all the regions in south Asia were taken by British people. But when it came to the time of 19th century Muslim presence began to increase again. Few things that started to rise - Danga (fight) between Hindu and Muslims started, the custom of Jamindar (landlord), disparity between classes. Finally at the end of the era when after all the blood and sacrifice British left and with their leaving started another chapter. This new chapter divided many things, for good or for bad I am still not sure. India became an independent country and Bengal was divided into Western Bengal and Eastern Bengal. Dhaka was the capital of eastern Bengal and whole eastern side of Bangla was under rule of Pakistan though they were separated by 1500 km of Indian territory.

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